Confidence Attention and Generalization Enhanced Distillation for Continuous Video Domain Adaptation

by   Xiyu Wang, et al.

Continuous Video Domain Adaptation (CVDA) is a scenario where a source model is required to adapt to a series of individually available changing target domains continuously without source data or target supervision. It has wide applications, such as robotic vision and autonomous driving. The main underlying challenge of CVDA is to learn helpful information only from the unsupervised target data while avoiding forgetting previously learned knowledge catastrophically, which is out of the capability of previous Video-based Unsupervised Domain Adaptation methods. Therefore, we propose a Confidence-Attentive network with geneRalization enhanced self-knowledge disTillation (CART) to address the challenge in CVDA. Firstly, to learn from unsupervised domains, we propose to learn from pseudo labels. However, in continuous adaptation, prediction errors can accumulate rapidly in pseudo labels, and CART effectively tackles this problem with two key modules. Specifically, The first module generates refined pseudo labels using model predictions and deploys a novel attentive learning strategy. The second module compares the outputs of augmented data from the current model to the outputs of weakly augmented data from the source model, forming a novel consistency regularization on the model to alleviate the accumulation of prediction errors. Extensive experiments suggest that the CVDA performance of CART outperforms existing methods by a considerable margin.


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