Computing Optimal Leaf Roots of Chordal Cographs in Linear Time

by   Van Bang Le, et al.

A graph G is a k-leaf power, for an integer k >= 2, if there is a tree T with leaf set V(G) such that, for all vertices x, y in V(G), the edge xy exists in G if and only if the distance between x and y in T is at most k. Such a tree T is called a k-leaf root of G. The computational problem of constructing a k-leaf root for a given graph G and an integer k, if any, is motivated by the challenge from computational biology to reconstruct phylogenetic trees. For fixed k, Lafond [SODA 2022] recently solved this problem in polynomial time. In this paper, we propose to study optimal leaf roots of graphs G, that is, the k-leaf roots of G with minimum k value. Thus, all k'-leaf roots of G satisfy k <= k'. In terms of computational biology, seeking optimal leaf roots is more justified as they yield more probable phylogenetic trees. Lafond's result does not imply polynomial-time computability of optimal leaf roots, because, even for optimal k-leaf roots, k may (exponentially) depend on the size of G. This paper presents a linear-time construction of optimal leaf roots for chordal cographs (also known as trivially perfect graphs). Additionally, it highlights the importance of the parity of the parameter k and provides a deeper insight into the differences between optimal k-leaf roots of even versus odd k. Keywords: k-leaf power, k-leaf root, optimal k-leaf root, trivially perfect leaf power, chordal cograph


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