Computer Vision Aided Beam Tracking in A Real-World Millimeter Wave Deployment

by   Shuaifeng Jiang, et al.

Millimeter-wave (mmWave) and terahertz (THz) communications require beamforming to acquire adequate receive signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). To find the optimal beam, current beam management solutions perform beam training over a large number of beams in pre-defined codebooks. The beam training overhead increases the access latency and can become infeasible for high-mobility applications. To reduce or even eliminate this beam training overhead, we propose to utilize the visual data, captured for example by cameras at the base stations, to guide the beam tracking/refining process. We propose a machine learning (ML) framework, based on an encoder-decoder architecture, that can predict the future beams using the previously obtained visual sensing information. Our proposed approach is evaluated on a large-scale real-world dataset, where it achieves an accuracy of 64.47% (and a normalized receive power of 97.66%) in predicting the future beam. This is achieved while requiring less than 1% of the beam training overhead of a corresponding baseline solution that uses a sequence of previous beams to predict the future one. This high performance and low overhead obtained on the real-world dataset demonstrate the potential of the proposed vision-aided beam tracking approach in real-world applications.


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