Complementary Composite Minimization, Small Gradients in General Norms, and Applications to Regression Problems
Composite minimization is a powerful framework in large-scale convex optimization, based on decoupling of the objective function into terms with structurally different properties and allowing for more flexible algorithmic design. In this work, we introduce a new algorithmic framework for complementary composite minimization, where the objective function decouples into a (weakly) smooth and a uniformly convex term. This particular form of decoupling is pervasive in statistics and machine learning, due to its link to regularization. The main contributions of our work are summarized as follows. First, we introduce the problem of complementary composite minimization in general normed spaces; second, we provide a unified accelerated algorithmic framework to address broad classes of complementary composite minimization problems; and third, we prove that the algorithms resulting from our framework are near-optimal in most of the standard optimization settings. Additionally, we show that our algorithmic framework can be used to address the problem of making the gradients small in general normed spaces. As a concrete example, we obtain a nearly-optimal method for the standard ℓ_1 setup (small gradients in the ℓ_∞ norm), essentially matching the bound of Nesterov (2012) that was previously known only for the Euclidean setup. Finally, we show that our composite methods are broadly applicable to a number of regression problems, leading to complexity bounds that are either new or match the best existing ones.