Competitive plasticity to reduce the energetic costs of learning

by   Mark CW van Rossum, et al.

The brain is not only constrained by energy needed to fuel computation, but it is also constrained by energy needed to form memories. Experiments have shown that learning simple conditioning tasks already carries a significant metabolic cost. Yet, learning a task like MNIST to 95 require at least 10^8 synaptic updates. Therefore the brain has likely evolved to be able to learn using as little energy as possible. We explored the energy required for learning in feedforward neural networks. Based on a parsimonious energy model, we propose two plasticity restricting algorithms that save energy: 1) only modify synapses with large updates, and 2) restrict plasticity to subsets of synapses that form a path through the network. Combining these two methods leads to substantial energy savings while only incurring a small increase in learning time. In biology networks are often much larger than the task requires. In particular in that case, large savings can be achieved. Thus competitively restricting plasticity helps to save metabolic energy associated to synaptic plasticity. The results might lead to a better understanding of biological plasticity and a better match between artificial and biological learning. Moreover, the algorithms might also benefit hardware because in electronics memory storage is energetically costly as well.


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