Comparison of end-to-end neural network architectures and data augmentation methods for automatic infant motility assessment using wearable sensors

by   Manu Airaksinen, et al.

Infant motility assessment using intelligent wearables is a promising new approach for assessment of infant neurophysiological development, and where efficient signal analysis plays a central role. This study investigates the use of different end-to-end neural network architectures for processing infant motility data from wearable sensors. We focus on the performance and computational burden of alternative sensor encoder and time-series modelling modules and their combinations. In addition, we explore the benefits of data augmentation methods in ideal and non-ideal recording conditions. The experiments are conducted using a data-set of multi-sensor movement recordings from 7-month-old infants, as captured by a recently proposed smart jumpsuit for infant motility assessment. Our results indicate that the choice of the encoder module has a major impact on classifier performance. For sensor encoders, the best performance was obtained with parallel 2-dimensional convolutions for intra-sensor channel fusion with shared weights for all sensors. The results also indicate that a relatively compact feature representation is obtainable for within-sensor feature extraction without a drastic loss to classifier performance. Comparison of time-series models revealed that feed-forward dilated convolutions with residual and skip connections outperformed all RNN-based models in performance, training time, and training stability. The experiments also indicate that data augmentation improves model robustness in simulated packet loss or sensor dropout scenarios. In particular, signal- and sensor-dropout-based augmentation strategies provided considerable boosts to performance without negatively affecting the baseline performance. Overall the results provide tangible suggestions on how to optimize end-to-end neural network training for multi-channel movement sensor data.


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