Comparing One with Many – Solving Binary2source Function Matching Under Function Inlining

by   Ang Jia, et al.

Binary2source function matching is a fundamental task for many security applications, including Software Component Analysis (SCA). The "1-to-1" mechanism has been applied in existing binary2source matching works, in which one binary function is matched against one source function. However, we discovered that such mapping could be "1-to-n" (one query binary function maps multiple source functions), due to the existence of function inlining. To help conduct binary2source function matching under function inlining, we propose a method named O2NMatcher to generate Source Function Sets (SFSs) as the matching target for binary functions with inlining. We first propose a model named ECOCCJ48 for inlined call site prediction. To train this model, we leverage the compilable OSS to generate a dataset with labeled call sites (inlined or not), extract several features from the call sites, and design a compiler-opt-based multi-label classifier by inspecting the inlining correlations between different compilations. Then, we use this model to predict the labels of call sites in the uncompilable OSS projects without compilation and obtain the labeled function call graphs of these projects. Next, we regard the construction of SFSs as a sub-tree generation problem and design root node selection and edge extension rules to construct SFSs automatically. Finally, these SFSs will be added to the corpus of source functions and compared with binary functions with inlining. We conduct several experiments to evaluate the effectiveness of O2NMatcher and results show our method increases the performance of existing works by 6


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