Comparing Field Trips, VR Experiences and Video Representations on Spatial Layout Learning in Complex Buildings

by   Cetin Tuker, et al.

This study aimed to compare and investigate the efficacy of the real-world experiences, immersive virtual reality (IVR) experiences, and video walkthrough representations on layout-learning in a complex building. A quasi-experimental, intervention, and delayed post-test research design was used among three groups: real-world, IVR, and video walkthrough representation. A total of 41 first-year design students from architecture, and game design departments were attended the study. Design students were selected as they already know how to communicate graphically the layout of a building on paper. IVR and video walkthrough groups experienced the representations of the building by themselves, but real-world group experienced the building within a group as imitating a design education field trip. After 10 days, a total of 26 participants out of 41 tested for spatial recall performance. Recall performances were measured as an indicator of layout learning by analysing the plan sketches drawn by the participants. Results showed IVR group recalled significantly more spatial memories compared with the real-world and video walkthrough representation groups. Real-world group performed the worst among three groups. This result was interpreted to three conclusions. First, the layout learning tends to be overly sensitive to distractions and lower levels of distraction may lead to better levels of layout learning. Second, for the domain of layout knowledge learning, a remarkably simple IVR model is enough. Third, although real-world experiences give direct and richer sensory information about the spaces, layout knowledge acquisition from the surrounding environment requires psychologically active wayfinding decisions.


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