Communication-Efficient Distributed SGD with Error-Feedback, Revisited

by   Tran Thi Phuong, et al.

We show that the convergence proof of a recent algorithm called dist-EF-SGD for distributed stochastic gradient descent with communication efficiency using error-feedback of Zheng et al. (NeurIPS 2019) is problematic mathematically. Concretely, the original error bound for arbitrary sequences of learning rate is unfortunately incorrect, leading to an invalidated upper bound in the convergence theorem for the algorithm. As evidences, we explicitly provide several counter-examples, for both convex and non-convex cases, to show the incorrectness of the error bound. We fix the issue by providing a new error bound and its corresponding proof, leading to a new convergence theorem for the dist-EF-SGD algorithm, and therefore recovering its mathematical analysis.


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