Collective Large-scale Wind Farm Multivariate Power Output Control Based on Hierarchical Communication Multi-Agent Proximal Policy Optimization

by   Yubao Zhang, et al.

Wind power is becoming an increasingly important source of renewable energy worldwide. However, wind farm power control faces significant challenges due to the high system complexity inherent in these farms. A novel communication-based multi-agent deep reinforcement learning large-scale wind farm multivariate control is proposed to handle this challenge and maximize power output. A wind farm multivariate power model is proposed to study the influence of wind turbines (WTs) wake on power. The multivariate model includes axial induction factor, yaw angle, and tilt angle controllable variables. The hierarchical communication multi-agent proximal policy optimization (HCMAPPO) algorithm is proposed to coordinate the multivariate large-scale wind farm continuous controls. The large-scale wind farm is divided into multiple wind turbine aggregators (WTAs), and neighboring WTAs can exchange information through hierarchical communication to maximize the wind farm power output. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed multivariate HCMAPPO can significantly increase wind farm power output compared to the traditional PID control, coordinated model-based predictive control, and multi-agent deep deterministic policy gradient algorithm. Particularly, the HCMAPPO algorithm can be trained with the environment based on the thirteen-turbine wind farm and effectively applied to larger wind farms. At the same time, there is no significant increase in the fatigue damage of the wind turbine blade from the wake control as the wind farm scale increases. The multivariate HCMAPPO control can realize the collective large-scale wind farm maximum power output.


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