Cognitive Analysis of Security Threats on Social Networking Services: Slovakia in need of stronger action

by   Karol Fabian, et al.

This short paper examines some of the ongoing research at the UMB Data and Society Lab hosted at the Faculty of Political Science and International Relations at Matej Bel University. It begins with an introduction on the necessity of security threat identification on social networking services (SNSs), done by states. The paper follows with a general overview of selected projects of the Lab in this field, and afterwards it introduces a use case study focused on the announcement of the UK snap general election 2017. The main aim of this paper is to demonstrate some of the possibilities of social networking services analysis in the field of international relations, with an emphasis on disinformation and the necessity of identifying novel digital actors in Slovakia. We also outline an easy custom system tasked to collect social media data, and afterwards process it using various cognitive analytic methods.


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