Coded Caching and Spatial Multiplexing Gain Trade-off in Dynamic MISO Networks
The global caching gain of multi-antenna coded caching techniques can be also mostly achieved in dynamic network setups, where the cache contents of users are dictated by a central server, and each user can freely join or leave the network at any moment. In the dynamic setup, users are assigned to a limited set of caching profiles and the non-uniformness in the number of users assigned to each profile is compensated during the delivery phase by either adding phantom users for multicasting or serving a subset of users with unicast transmissions. In this paper, we perform a thorough analysis and provide closed-form representations of the achievable degrees of freedom (DoF) in such hybrid schemes, and assess the inherent trade-off between the global caching and spatial multiplexing gains caused by either adding phantom users or serving parts of the data through unicasting.