COBRA: Comparison-Optimal Betting for Risk-limiting Audits
Risk-limiting audits (RLAs) can provide routine, affirmative evidence that reported election outcomes are correct by checking a random sample of cast ballots. An efficient RLA requires checking relatively few ballots. Here we construct highly efficient RLAs by optimizing supermartingale tuning parameters–bets–for ballot-level comparison audits. The exactly optimal bets depend on the true rate of errors in cast-vote records (CVRs)–digital receipts detailing how machines tabulated each ballot. We evaluate theoretical and simulated workloads for audits of contests with a range of diluted margins and CVR error rates. Compared to bets recommended in past work, using these optimal bets can dramatically reduce expected workloads–by 93 optimal bets are unknown in practice, we offer some strategies for approximating them. As with the ballot-polling RLAs described in ALPHA and RiLACs, adapting bets to previously sampled data or diversifying them over a range of suspected error rates can lead to substantially more efficient audits than fixing bets to a priori values, especially when those values are far from correct. We sketch extensions to other designs and social choice functions, and conclude with some recommendations for real-world comparison audits.