Clustering - What Both Theoreticians and Practitioners are Doing Wrong

by   Shai Ben-David, et al.

Unsupervised learning is widely recognized as one of the most important challenges facing machine learning nowa- days. However, in spite of hundreds of papers on the topic being published every year, current theoretical understanding and practical implementations of such tasks, in particular of clustering, is very rudimentary. This note focuses on clustering. I claim that the most signif- icant challenge for clustering is model selection. In contrast with other common computational tasks, for clustering, dif- ferent algorithms often yield drastically different outcomes. Therefore, the choice of a clustering algorithm, and their pa- rameters (like the number of clusters) may play a crucial role in the usefulness of an output clustering solution. However, currently there exists no methodical guidance for clustering tool-selection for a given clustering task. Practitioners pick the algorithms they use without awareness to the implications of their choices and the vast majority of theory of clustering papers focus on providing savings to the resources needed to solve optimization problems that arise from picking some concrete clustering objective. Saving that pale in com- parison to the costs of mismatch between those objectives and the intended use of clustering results. I argue the severity of this problem and describe some recent proposals aiming to address this crucial lacuna.


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