Cluster-Based Control of Transition-Independent MDPs

by   Carmel Fiscko, et al.

This work studies the ability of a third-party influencer to control the behavior of a multi-agent system. The controller exerts actions with the goal of guiding agents to attain target joint strategies. Under mild assumptions, this can be modeled as a Markov decision problem and solved to find a control policy. This setup is refined by introducing more degrees of freedom to the control; the agents are partitioned into disjoint clusters such that each cluster can receive a unique control. Solving for a cluster-based policy through standard techniques like value iteration or policy iteration, however, takes exponentially more computation time due to the expanded action space. A solution is presented in the Clustered Value Iteration algorithm, which iteratively solves for an optimal control via a round robin approach across the clusters. CVI converges exponentially faster than standard value iteration, and can find policies that closely approximate the MDP's true optimal value. For MDPs with separable reward functions, CVI will converge to the true optimum. While an optimal clustering assignment is difficult to compute, a good clustering assignment for the agents may be found with a greedy splitting algorithm, whose associated values form a monotonic, submodular lower bound to the values of optimal clusters. Finally, these control ideas are demonstrated on simulated examples.


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