CLIP goes 3D: Leveraging Prompt Tuning for Language Grounded 3D Recognition

by   Deepti Hegde, et al.

Vision-Language models like CLIP have been widely adopted for various tasks due to their impressive zero-shot capabilities. However, CLIP is not suitable for extracting 3D geometric features as it was trained on only images and text by natural language supervision. We work on addressing this limitation and propose a new framework termed CG3D (CLIP Goes 3D) where a 3D encoder is learned to exhibit zero-shot capabilities. CG3D is trained using triplets of pointclouds, corresponding rendered 2D images, and texts using natural language supervision. To align the features in a multimodal embedding space, we utilize contrastive loss on 3D features obtained from the 3D encoder, as well as visual and text features extracted from CLIP. We note that the natural images used to train CLIP and the rendered 2D images in CG3D have a distribution shift. Attempting to train the visual and text encoder to account for this shift results in catastrophic forgetting and a notable decrease in performance. To solve this, we employ prompt tuning and introduce trainable parameters in the input space to shift CLIP towards the 3D pre-training dataset utilized in CG3D. We extensively test our pre-trained CG3D framework and demonstrate its impressive capabilities in zero-shot, open scene understanding, and retrieval tasks. Further, it also serves as strong starting weights for fine-tuning in downstream 3D recognition tasks.


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