Clinical Courses of Acute Kidney Injury in Hospitalized Patients: A Multistate Analysis

by   Esra Adiyeke, et al.

Objectives: We aim to quantify longitudinal acute kidney injury (AKI) trajectories and to describe transitions through progressing and recovery states and outcomes among hospitalized patients using multistate models. Methods: In this large, longitudinal cohort study, 138,449 adult patients admitted to a quaternary care hospital between 2012 and 2019 were staged based on Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes serum creatinine criteria for the first 14 days of their hospital stay. We fit multistate models to estimate probability of being in a certain clinical state at a given time after entering each one of the AKI stages. We investigated the effects of selected variables on transition rates via Cox proportional hazards regression models. Results: Twenty percent of hospitalized encounters (49,325/246,964) had AKI; among patients with AKI, 66 Stage 3 with or without RRT. At seven days following Stage 1 AKI, 69 confidence interval [CI]: 68.8 discharged, while smaller proportions of recovery (26.8 and discharge (17.4 At 14 days following Stage 1 AKI, patients with more frail conditions (Charlson comorbidity index greater than or equal to 3 and had prolonged ICU stay) had lower proportion of transitioning to No AKI or discharge states. Discussion: Multistate analyses showed that the majority of Stage 2 and higher severity AKI patients could not resolve within seven days; therefore, strategies preventing the persistence or progression of AKI would contribute to the patients' life quality. Conclusions: We demonstrate multistate modeling framework's utility as a mechanism for a better understanding of the clinical course of AKI with the potential to facilitate treatment and resource planning.


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