Client Selection Approach in Support of Clustered Federated Learning over Wireless Edge Networks

by   Abdullatif Albaseer, et al.

Clustered Federated Multitask Learning (CFL) was introduced as an efficient scheme to obtain reliable specialized models when data is imbalanced and distributed in a non-i.i.d. (non-independent and identically distributed) fashion amongst clients. While a similarity measure metric, like the cosine similarity, can be used to endow groups of the client with a specialized model, this process can be arduous as the server should involve all clients in each of the federated learning rounds. Therefore, it is imperative that a subset of clients is selected periodically due to the limited bandwidth and latency constraints at the network edge. To this end, this paper proposes a new client selection algorithm that aims to accelerate the convergence rate for obtaining specialized machine learning models that achieve high test accuracies for all client groups. Specifically, we introduce a client selection approach that leverages the devices' heterogeneity to schedule the clients based on their round latency and exploits the bandwidth reuse for clients that consume more time to update the model. Then, the server performs model averaging and clusters the clients based on predefined thresholds. When a specific cluster reaches a stationary point, the proposed algorithm uses a greedy scheduling algorithm for that group by selecting the clients with less latency to update the model. Extensive experiments show that the proposed approach lowers the training time and accelerates the convergence rate by up to 50 each client with a specialized model that is fit for its local data distribution.


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