Circle-based Eye Center Localization (CECL)

by   Yustinus Eko Soelistio, et al.

We propose an improved eye center localization method based on the Hough transform, called Circle-based Eye Center Localization (CECL) that is simple, robust, and achieves accuracy on a par with typically more complex state-of-the-art methods. The CECL method relies on color and shape cues that distinguish the iris from other facial structures. The accuracy of the CECL method is demonstrated through a comparison with 15 state-of-the-art eye center localization methods against five error thresholds, as reported in the literature. The CECL method achieved an accuracy of 80.8 first for 2 of the 5 thresholds. It is concluded that the CECL method offers an attractive alternative to existing methods for automatic eye center localization.


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