Challenges with the Application of Cyber Security for Airworthiness (CSA) in Real-World Contexts

by   Beckett LeClair, et al.

The ever increasing push towards reliance upon computerised technology in commercial, general, and military aerospace brings with it an increasing amount of potential cyber hazards and attacks. Consequently, the variety of attack vectors is greater than ever. Recognized Good Practice standards such as DO 326A and ED 202A attempt to address this by providing guidelines for cyber security on in-service aircraft, though implementation work for such initiatives is still in early stages. From previous work on in service aircraft, the authors have determined that one of the key challenges is that of the retrospective application of new regulations to existing designs. This can present significant requirements for time, money, and Suitably Qualified and Experienced Personnel resource, things which are often in already limited supply in military environments. The authors have previously explored efficient ways of approaching compliance, with promising results. There is still the need to consider this retroactivity challenge in tandem with other key factors affecting the application of CSA, in order to determine any more potential mitigating actions that could lower the barrier to effective and efficient implementation of secure approaches in the air domain. This work explores the interrelated challenges surrounding real-world applications of CSA and the beginnings of how these may be overcome.


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