Centralized Adversarial Learning for Robust Deep Hashing

by   Xunguang Wang, et al.

Deep hashing has been extensively utilized in massive image retrieval because of its efficiency and effectiveness. Recently, it becomes a hot issue to study adversarial examples which poses a security challenge to deep hashing models. However, there is still a critical bottleneck: how to find a superior and exact semantic representative as the guide to further enhance the adversarial attack and defense in deep hashing based retrieval. We, for the first time, attempt to design an effective adversarial learning with the min-max paradigm to improve the robustness of hashing networks by using the generated adversarial samples. Specifically, we obtain the optimal solution (called center code) through a proved Continuous Hash Center Method (CHCM), which preserves the semantic similarity with positive samples and dissimilarity with negative samples. On one hand, we propose the Deep Hashing Central Attack (DHCA) for efficient attack on hashing retrieval by maximizing the Hamming distance between the hash code of adversarial example and the center code. On the other hand, we present the Deep Hashing Central Adversarial Training (DHCAT) to optimize the hashing networks for defense, by minimizing the Hamming distance to the center code. Extensive experiments on the benchmark datasets verify that our attack method can achieve better performance than the state-of-the-arts, and our defense algorithm can effectively mitigate the effects of adversarial perturbations.


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