CanvoX: High-resolution VR Painting in Large Volumetric Canvas

by   Yeojin Kim, et al.

With virtual reality, digital painting on 2D canvases is now being extended to 3D spaces. Tilt Brush and Oculus Quill are widely accepted among artists as tools that pave the way to a new form of art - 3D emmersive painting. Current 3D painting systems are only a start, emitting textured triangular geometries. In this paper, we advance this new art of 3D painting to 3D volumetric painting that enables an artist to draw a huge scene with full control of spatial color fields. Inspired by the fact that 2D paintings often use vast space to paint background and small but detailed space for foreground, we claim that supporting a large canvas in varying detail is essential for 3D painting. In order to help artists focus and audiences to navigate the large canvas space, we provide small artist-defined areas, called rooms, that serve as beacons for artist-suggested scales, spaces, locations for intended appreciation view of the painting. Artists and audiences can easily transport themselves between different rooms. Technically, our canvas is represented as an array of deep octrees of depth 24 or higher, built on CPU for volume painting and on GPU for volume rendering using accurate ray casting. In CPU side, we design an efficient iterative algorithm to refine or coarsen octree, as a result of volumetric painting strokes, at highly interactive rates, and update the corresponding GPU textures. Then we use GPU-based ray casting algorithms to render the volumetric painting result. We explore precision issues stemming from ray-casting the octree of high depth, and provide a new analysis and verification. From our experimental results as well as the positive feedback from the participating artists, we strongly believe that our new 3D volume painting system can open up a new possibility for VR-driven digital art medium to professional artists as well as to novice users.


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