CAC and Traffic Modeling for Integrated Macrocell/Femtocell Networks

by   Mostafa Zaman Chowdhury, et al.

Dense femtocells and the integration of these femtocells with the macrocell are the ultimate goal of the femtocellular network deployment. Integrated macrocell/femtocell networks surely able to provide high data rate for the indoor users as well as able to offload huge traffic from the macrocellular networks to femtocellular networks. Efficient handling of handover calls is the key for the successful macrocell/femtocell integration. An appropriate traffic model for the integrated macrocell/femtocell networks is also needed for the performance analysis measurement. In this paper we presented a call admission control process and a traffic model for the integrated macrocell/femtocell networks. The numerical and simulation results show the important of the integrated macrocell/femtocell network and the performance improvement of the proposed schemes.


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