C-Balancer: A System for Container Profiling and Scheduling

by   Akshay Dhumal, et al.

Linux containers have gained high popularity in recent times. This popularity is significantly due to various advantages of containers over Virtual Machines (VM). The containers are lightweight, occupy lesser storage, have fast boot-up time, easy to deploy and have faster auto-scaling. The key reason behind the popularity of containers is that they leverage the mechanism of micro-service style software development, where applications are designed as independently deployable services. There are various container orchestration tools for deploying and managing the containers in the cluster. The prominent among them are Docker Swarm and Kubernetes. However, they do not address the effects of resource contention when multiple containers are deployed on a node. Moreover, they do not provide support for container migration in the event of an attack or increased resource contention. To address such issues, we propose C-Balancer, a scheduling framework for efficient placement of containers in the cluster environment. C-Balancer works by periodically profiling the containers and deciding the optimal container to node placement. Our proposed approach improves the performance of containers in terms of resource utilization and throughput. Experiments using a workload mix of Stress-NG and iPerf benchmark shows that our proposed approach achieves a maximum performance improvement of 58 utilization across the cluster by 60


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