BugNIST – A New Large Scale Volumetric 3D Image Dataset for Classification and Detection

by   Anders Bjorholm Dahl, et al.

Progress in 3D volumetric image analysis research is limited by the lack of datasets and most advances in analysis methods for volumetric images are based on medical data. However, medical data do not necessarily resemble the characteristics of other volumetric images such as micro-CT. To promote research in 3D volumetric image analysis beyond medical data, we have created the BugNIST dataset and made it freely available. BugNIST is an extensive dataset of micro-CT scans of 12 types of bugs, such as insects and larvae. BugNIST contains 9437 volumes where 9087 are of individual bugs and 350 are mixtures of bugs and other material. The goal of BugNIST is to benchmark classification and detection methods, and we have designed the detection challenge such that detection models are trained on scans of individual bugs and tested on bug mixtures. Models capable of solving this task will be independent of the context, i.e., the surrounding material. This is a great advantage if the context is unknown or changing, as is often the case in micro-CT. Our initial baseline analysis shows that current state-of-the-art deep learning methods classify individual bugs very well, but has great difficulty with the detection challenge. Hereby, BugNIST enables research in image analysis areas that until now have missed relevant data - both classification, detection, and hopefully more.


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