Bug-Fix Variants: Visualizing Unique Source Code Changes across GitHub Forks

by   Daigo Imamura, et al.

Forking is a common practice for developers when building upon on already existing projects. These forks create variants, which have a common code base but then evolve the code in different directions, which is specific to that forked project requirements. An interesting side-effect of having multiple forks is the ability to select between different evolution directions of the code which is based on developers fixing bugs in the code base. However, the key issue that this decentralized form of information is difficult to analyze. In this study, we propose a visualization to analyze active changes in fork repositories that have not been merged back to the original project. Our visualization shows code commit activities in multiple forks with highlight on bug fix commits in the history of forks. While the commit activity of each repository is visualized similarly to the code frequency view of GitHub, our view shows only commits unique to fork repositories. To illustrate the effectiveness of our visualization, we have applied our view to two use cases: identifying forks from a repository no longer maintained, and identifying a bug fix among forks. In the first case, we identify a fork of a suspended project named Obfuscator-LLVM. Our view shows the original repository and its most active fork that continue the development on the top. In the second case, we identify a bug fix in a fork of Clipy project. Our view shows that the most active fork has its own bug fixes; we could easily identify a patch for the bug highlighted in the view. As a new ideas paper, we then present our outline of three research questions to spark real world use-cases and goals for our visualization has the potential to uncover. A prototype of our visualization is available at <https://naist-se.github.io/vissoft2022/>


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