Bringing freedom in variable choice when searching counter-examples in floating point programs
Program verification techniques typically focus on finding counter-examples that violate properties of a program. Constraint programming offers a convenient way to verify programs by modeling their state transformations and specifying searches that seek counter-examples. Floating-point computations present additional challenges for verification given the semantic subtleties of floating point arithmetic. using floating point numbers constraint systems and dedicated to program verification. It introduces a new search heuristic based on the global number of occurrences that outperforms state-of-the-art strategies. More importantly, it demonstrates that a new technique that only branches on input variables of the verified program improve performance. It composes with a diversification technique that prevents the selection of the same variable within a fixed horizon further improving performances and reduces disparities between various variable choice heuristics. The result is a robust methodology that can tailor the search strategy according to the sought properties of the counter example.