Boosting Semi-Supervised 3D Object Detection with Semi-Sampling

by   Xiaopei Wu, et al.

Current 3D object detection methods heavily rely on an enormous amount of annotations. Semi-supervised learning can be used to alleviate this issue. Previous semi-supervised 3D object detection methods directly follow the practice of fully-supervised methods to augment labeled and unlabeled data, which is sub-optimal. In this paper, we design a data augmentation method for semi-supervised learning, which we call Semi-Sampling. Specifically, we use ground truth labels and pseudo labels to crop gt samples and pseudo samples on labeled frames and unlabeled frames, respectively. Then we can generate a gt sample database and a pseudo sample database. When training a teacher-student semi-supervised framework, we randomly select gt samples and pseudo samples to both labeled frames and unlabeled frames, making a strong data augmentation for them. Our semi-sampling can be regarded as an extension of gt-sampling to semi-supervised learning. Our method is simple but effective. We consistently improve state-of-the-art methods on ScanNet, SUN-RGBD, and KITTI benchmarks by large margins. For example, when training using only 10 ScanNet, we achieve 3.1 mAP and 6.4 mAP improvement upon 3DIoUMatch in terms of mAP@0.25 and mAP@0.5. When training using only 1 boost 3DIoUMatch by 3.5 mAP, 6.7 mAP and 14.1 mAP on car, pedestrian and cyclist classes. Codes will be made publicly available at


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