Boosting Ant Colony Optimization via Solution Prediction and Machine Learning

by   Yuan Sun, et al.

This paper introduces an enhanced meta-heuristic (ML-ACO) that combines machine learning (ML) and ant colony optimization (ACO) to solve combinatorial optimization problems. To illustrate the underlying mechanism of our enhanced algorithm, we start by describing a test problem – the orienteering problem – used to demonstrate the efficacy of ML-ACO. In this problem, the objective is to find a route that visits a subset of vertices in a graph within a time budget to maximize the collected score. In the first phase of our ML-ACO algorithm, an ML model is trained using a set of small problem instances where the optimal solution is known. Specifically, classification models are used to classify an edge as being part of the optimal route, or not, using problem-specific features and statistical measures. We have tested several classification models including graph neural networks, logistic regression and support vector machines. The trained model is then used to predict the probability that an edge in the graph of a test problem instance belongs to the corresponding optimal route. In the second phase, we incorporate the predicted probabilities into the ACO component of our algorithm. Here, the probability values bias sampling towards favoring those predicted high-quality edges when constructing feasible routes. We empirically show that ML-ACO generates results that are significantly better than the standard ACO algorithm, especially when the computational budget is limited. Furthermore, we show our algorithm is robust in the sense that (a) its overall performance is not sensitive to any particular classification model, and (b) it generalizes well to large and real-world problem instances. Our approach integrating ML with a meta-heuristic is generic and can be applied to a wide range of combinatorial optimization problems.


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