Boosting Adversarial Attacks by Leveraging Decision Boundary Information

by   Boheng Zeng, et al.

Due to the gap between a substitute model and a victim model, the gradient-based noise generated from a substitute model may have low transferability for a victim model since their gradients are different. Inspired by the fact that the decision boundaries of different models do not differ much, we conduct experiments and discover that the gradients of different models are more similar on the decision boundary than in the original position. Moreover, since the decision boundary in the vicinity of an input image is flat along most directions, we conjecture that the boundary gradients can help find an effective direction to cross the decision boundary of the victim models. Based on it, we propose a Boundary Fitting Attack to improve transferability. Specifically, we introduce a method to obtain a set of boundary points and leverage the gradient information of these points to update the adversarial examples. Notably, our method can be combined with existing gradient-based methods. Extensive experiments prove the effectiveness of our method, i.e., improving the success rate by 5.6 and 14.9 transfer-based attacks. Further we compare transformers with CNNs, the results indicate that transformers are more robust than CNNs. However, our method still outperforms existing methods when attacking transformers. Specifically, when using CNNs as substitute models, our method obtains an average attack success rate of 58.2 attacks.


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