Black-Box Prediction of Flaky Test Fix Categories Using Language Models

by   Sakina Fatima, et al.

Flaky tests are problematic because they non-deterministically pass or fail for the same software version under test, causing confusion and wasting developer time. While machine learning models have been used to predict flakiness and its root causes, there is less work on providing support to fix the problem. To address this gap, we propose a framework that automatically generates labeled datasets for 13 fix categories and train models to predict the fix category of a flaky test by analyzing the test code only. Though it is unrealistic at this stage to accurately predict the fix itself, the categories provide precise guidance about what part of the test code to look at. Our approach is based on language models, namely CodeBERT and UniXcoder, whose output is fine-tuned with a Feed Forward Neural Network (FNN) or a Siamese Network-based Few Shot Learning (FSL). Our experimental results show that UniXcoder outperforms CodeBERT, in correctly predicting most of the categories of fixes a developer should apply. Furthermore, FSL does not appear to have any significant effect. Given the high accuracy obtained for most fix categories, our proposed framework has the potential to help developers to fix flaky tests quickly and accurately.To aid future research, we make our automated labeling tool, dataset, prediction models, and experimental infrastructure publicly available.


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