BIO-CXRNET: A Robust Multimodal Stacking Machine Learning Technique for Mortality Risk Prediction of COVID-19 Patients using Chest X-Ray Images and Clinical Data

by   Tawsifur Rahman, et al.

Fast and accurate detection of the disease can significantly help in reducing the strain on the healthcare facility of any country to reduce the mortality during any pandemic. The goal of this work is to create a multimodal system using a novel machine learning framework that uses both Chest X-ray (CXR) images and clinical data to predict severity in COVID-19 patients. In addition, the study presents a nomogram-based scoring technique for predicting the likelihood of death in high-risk patients. This study uses 25 biomarkers and CXR images in predicting the risk in 930 COVID-19 patients admitted during the first wave of COVID-19 (March-June 2020) in Italy. The proposed multimodal stacking technique produced the precision, sensitivity, and F1-score, of 89.03 This multimodal approach improved the accuracy by 6 image or clinical data alone. Finally, nomogram scoring system using multivariate logistic regression – was used to stratify the mortality risk among the high-risk patients identified in the first stage. Lactate Dehydrogenase (LDH), O2 percentage, White Blood Cells (WBC) Count, Age, and C-reactive protein (CRP) were identified as useful predictor using random forest feature selection model. Five predictors parameters and a CXR image based nomogram score was developed for quantifying the probability of death and categorizing them into two risk groups: survived (<50 respectively. The multi-modal technique was able to predict the death probability of high-risk patients with an F1 score of 92.88 the curves for the development and validation cohorts are 0.981 and 0.939, respectively.


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