BinMLM: Binary Authorship Verification with Flow-aware Mixture-of-Shared Language Model

by   Qige Song, et al.

Binary authorship analysis is a significant problem in many software engineering applications. In this paper, we formulate a binary authorship verification task to accurately reflect the real-world working process of software forensic experts. It aims to determine whether an anonymous binary is developed by a specific programmer with a small set of support samples, and the actual developer may not belong to the known candidate set but from the wild. We propose an effective binary authorship verification framework, BinMLM. BinMLM trains the RNN language model on consecutive opcode traces extracted from the control-flow-graph (CFG) to characterize the candidate developers' programming styles. We build a mixture-of-shared architecture with multiple shared encoders and author-specific gate layers, which can learn the developers' combination preferences of universal programming patterns and alleviate the problem of low training resources. Through an optimization pipeline of external pre-training, joint training, and fine-tuning, our framework can eliminate additional noise and accurately distill developers' unique styles. Extensive experiments show that BinMLM achieves promising results on Google Code Jam (GCJ) and Codeforces datasets with different numbers of programmers and supporting samples. It significantly outperforms the baselines built on the state-of-the-art feature set (4.73 improvement) and remains robust in multi-author collaboration scenarios. Furthermore, BinMLM can perform organization-level verification on a real-world APT malware dataset, which can provide valuable auxiliary information for exploring the group behind the APT attack.


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