Biclustering random matrix partitions with an application to classification of forensic body fluids

by   Chieh-Hsi Wu, et al.

Classification of unlabeled data is usually achieved by supervised learning from labeled samples. Although there exist many sophisticated supervised machine learning methods that can predict the missing labels with a high level of accuracy, they often lack the required transparency in situations where it is important to provide interpretable results and meaningful measures of confidence. Body fluid classification of forensic casework data is the case in point. We develop a new Biclustering Dirichlet Process (BDP), with a three-level hierarchy of clustering, and a model-based approach to classification which adapts to block structure in the data matrix. As the class labels of some observations are missing, the number of rows in the data matrix for each class is unknown. The BDP handles this and extends existing biclustering methods by simultaneously biclustering multiple matrices each having a randomly variable number of rows. We demonstrate our method by applying it to the motivating problem, which is the classification of body fluids based on mRNA profiles taken from crime scenes. The analyses of casework-like data show that our method is interpretable and produces well-calibrated posterior probabilities. Our model can be more generally applied to other types of data with a similar structure to the forensic data.


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