Benchmarking Graph Neural Networks for Internet Routing Data

The Internet is composed of networks, called Autonomous Systems (or, ASes), interconnected to each other, thus forming a large graph. While both the AS-graph is known and there is a multitude of data available for the ASes (i.e., node attributes), the research on applying graph machine learning (ML) methods on Internet data has not attracted a lot of attention. In this work, we provide a benchmarking framework aiming to facilitate research on Internet data using graph-ML and graph neural network (GNN) methods. Specifically, we compile a dataset with heterogeneous node/AS attributes by collecting data from multiple online sources, and preprocessing them so that they can be easily used as input in GNN architectures. Then, we create a framework/pipeline for applying GNNs on the compiled data. For a set of tasks, we perform a benchmarking of different GNN models (as well as, non-GNN ML models) to test their efficiency; our results can serve as a common baseline for future research and provide initial insights for the application of GNNs on Internet data.


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