Beam-like topologically interlocked structures with hierarchical interlocking
Topologically interlocked materials and structures, which are assemblies of unbonded interlocking building blocks, are a promising concept for versatile structural applications. They have been shown to display exceptional mechanical properties including outstanding combinations of stiffness, strength, and toughness, beyond those achievable with common engineering materials. Recent work established the theoretical upper limit for the strength and toughness of beam-like topologically interlocked structures. However, this theoretical limit is only achievable for structures with unrealistically high friction coefficients and, therefore, it remains unknown if it is achievable in actual structures. Here, we propose, inspired by biological systems, a hierarchical approach for topological interlocking which overcomes these limitations and provides a path toward optimized mechanical performance. We consider beam-like topologically interlocked structures with geometrically designed surface morphologies, which increases the effective frictional strength of the interfaces, and hence enables us to achieve the theoretical limit with realistic friction coefficients. Using numerical simulations, we examine the effect of sinusoidal surface morphology with controllable amplitude and wavelength on the maximum load-carrying capacity of the structure. Our study discusses various effects of architecturing the surface morphology of beam-like topological interlocked structures, and most notably, it demonstrates its ability to significantly enhance the structure's mechanical performance.