Bayesian inference for optimal dynamic treatment regimes in practice

by   Daniel Rodriguez Duque, et al.

In this work, we examine recently developed methods for Bayesian inference of optimal dynamic treatment regimes (DTRs). DTRs are a set of treatment decision rules aimed at tailoring patient care to patient-specific characteristics, thereby falling within the realm of precision medicine. In this field, researchers seek to tailor therapy with the intention of improving health outcomes; therefore, they are most interested in identifying optimal DTRs. Recent work has developed Bayesian methods for identifying optimal DTRs in a family indexed by ψ via Bayesian dynamic marginal structural models (MSMs) (Rodriguez Duque et al., 2022a); we review the proposed estimation procedure and illustrate its use via the new BayesDTR R package. Although methods in (Rodriguez Duque et al., 2022a) can estimate optimal DTRs well, they may lead to biased estimators when the model for the expected outcome if everyone in a population were to follow a given treatment strategy, known as a value function, is misspecified or when a grid search for the optimum is employed. We describe recent work that uses a Gaussian process (GP) prior on the value function as a means to robustly identify optimal DTRs (Rodriguez Duque et al., 2022b). We demonstrate how a GP approach may be implemented with the BayesDTR package and contrast it with other value-search approaches to identifying optimal DTRs. We use data from an HIV therapeutic trial in order to illustrate a standard analysis with these methods, using both the original observed trial data and an additional simulated component to showcase a longitudinal (two-stage DTR) analysis.


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