Battery draining attacks against edge computing nodes in IoT networks

by   Ryan Smith, et al.

Many IoT devices, especially those deployed at the network edge have limited power resources. A number of attacks aim to exhaust these resources and drain the batteries of such edge nodes. In this work, we study the effects of a variety of battery draining attacks against edge nodes. Through simulation, we clarify the extent to which such attacks are able to increase the usage and hence waste the power resources of edge nodes. Specifically, we implement hello flooding, packet flooding, selective forwarding, rank attack, and versioning attack in ContikiOS and simulate them in the Cooja simulator, and measure and report a number of time and power resource usage metrics including CPU time, low power mode time, TX/RX time, and battery consumption. Besides, we test the stretch attack with three different batteries as an extreme scenario. Our extensive measurements enable us to compare the effectiveness of these attacks. Our results show that Versioning attack is the most severe attack in terms of draining the power resources of the network, followed by Packet Flooding and Hello Flood attacks. Furthermore, we confirm that Selective Forwarding and Rank attacks are not able to considerably increase the power resource usage in our scenarios. By quantifying the effects of these attacks, we demonstrate that under specific scenarios, Versioning attack can be three to four times as effective as Packet Flooding and Hello Flood attacks in wasting network resources, while Packet Flooding is generally comparable to Hello Flood in CPU and TX time usage increase but twice as powerful in draining device batteries.


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