Barriers to Active Learning for Computer Science Faculty

by   Jesse Eickholt, et al.

Active learning is a proven pedagogical style that has demonstrated value by improving students' performance and classroom experience. In spite of the evidence, adoption of active learning in computer science remains relatively low. To identify what barriers to adoption exist, an electronic survey was sent to 369 computer science faculty in a state in the Upper Midwest and to 78 administrators and support staff. Analysis of the responses revealed that time remained the most commonly reported barrier for faculty that desire to change their teaching style, with 42.8 statement that they have the time they need to change their teaching style. Administrators and support staff also indicated that time was a concern but that otherwise faculty were aware of active learning and had the resources they need. Reported use of active learning pedagogy was much higher among faculty that received pedagogical training during their undergraduate or graduate studies. Given the time constraints of faculty, it is recommended that new avenues be explored to provide future faculty with exposure to active learning pedagogy in their undergraduate and graduate training.


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