Average Path Length: Sparsification of Nonlinearties Creates Surprisingly Shallow Networks

We perform an empirical study of the behaviour of deep networks when pushing its activation functions to become fully linear in some of its feature channels through a sparsity prior on the overall number of nonlinear units in the network. To measure the depth of the resulting partially linearized network, we compute the average number of active nonlinearities encountered along a path in the network graph. In experiments on CNNs with sparsified PReLUs on typical image classification tasks, we make several observations: Under sparsity pressure, the remaining nonlinear units organize into distinct structures, forming core-networks of near constant effective depth and width, which in turn depend on task difficulty. We consistently observe a slow decay of performance with depth until the onset of a rapid collapse in accuracy, allowing for surprisingly shallow networks at moderate losses in accuracy that outperform base-line networks of similar depth, even after increasing width to a comparable number of parameters. In terms of training, we observe a nonlinear advantage: Reducing nonlinearity after training leads to a better performance than before, in line with previous findings in linearized training, but with a gap depending on task difficulty that vanishes for easy problems.


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