Automatic summarisation of Instagram social network posts Combining semantic and statistical approaches

by   Kazem Taghandiki, et al.

The proliferation of data and text documents such as articles, web pages, books, social network posts, etc. on the Internet has created a fundamental challenge in various fields of text processing under the title of "automatic text summarisation". Manual processing and summarisation of large volumes of textual data is a very difficult, expensive, time-consuming and impossible process for human users. Text summarisation systems are divided into extractive and abstract categories. In the extractive summarisation method, the final summary of a text document is extracted from the important sentences of the same document without any modification. In this method, it is possible to repeat a series of sentences and to interfere with pronouns. However, in the abstract summarisation method, the final summary of a textual document is extracted from the meaning and significance of the sentences and words of the same document or other documents. Many of the works carried out have used extraction methods or abstracts to summarise the collection of web documents, each of which has advantages and disadvantages in the results obtained in terms of similarity or size. In this work, a crawler has been developed to extract popular text posts from the Instagram social network with appropriate preprocessing, and a set of extraction and abstraction algorithms have been combined to show how each of the abstraction algorithms can be used. Observations made on 820 popular text posts on the social network Instagram show the accuracy (80


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