Automated Assignment and Classification of Software Issues

by   Büşra Tabak, et al.

Software issues contain units of work to fix, improve or create new threads during the development and facilitate communication among the team members. Assigning an issue to the most relevant team member and determining a category of an issue is a tedious and challenging task. Wrong classifications cause delays and rework in the project and trouble among the team members. This thesis proposes a set of carefully curated linguistic features for shallow machine learning methods and compares the performance of shallow and ensemble methods with deep language models. Unlike the state-of-the-art, we assign issues to four roles (designer, developer, tester, and leader) rather than to specific individuals or teams to contribute to the generality of our solution. We also consider the level of experience of the developers to reflect the industrial practices in our solution formulation. We employ a classification approach to categorize issues into distinct classes, namely bug, new feature, improvement, and other. Additionally, we endeavor to further classify bugs based on the specific type of modification required. We collect and annotate five industrial data sets from one of the top three global television producers to evaluate our proposal and compare it with deep language models. Our data sets contain 5324 issues in total. We show that an ensemble classifier of shallow techniques achieves 0.92 for issue assignment and 0.90 for issue classification in accuracy which is statistically comparable to the state-of-the-art deep language models. The contributions include the public sharing of five annotated industrial issue data sets, the development of a clear and comprehensive feature set, the introduction of a novel label set and the validation of the efficacy of an ensemble classifier of shallow machine learning techniques.


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