Author-Unification: Name-, Institution-, and Career-Sharing Co-authors

by   Vanessa Wirth, et al.

In this work, we investigate the phenomenon of Author-UnificAtion (AUA), which describes the high structural similarity of two co-authoring engineers that share the same forename, surname, institution, and academic career without being related by blood. So far, prior work has only explored similar surnames and institutions. On top of that, we elaborate on the additional author similarity of sharing the same academic career as a Ph.D. candidate with the same starting day and month included in the university contract. We show that our work outperforms previous state-of-the-art investigations, among others by providing a higher Structural Similarity Index Measure (SSIM) of the letters in our names and in our institution. Lastly, we prove the duality of our identities through a qualitative evaluation.


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