Audio-visual scene classification via contrastive event-object alignment and semantic-based fusion

by   Yuanbo Hou, et al.

Previous works on scene classification are mainly based on audio or visual signals, while humans perceive the environmental scenes through multiple senses. Recent studies on audio-visual scene classification separately fine-tune the largescale audio and image pre-trained models on the target dataset, then either fuse the intermediate representations of the audio model and the visual model, or fuse the coarse-grained decision of both models at the clip level. Such methods ignore the detailed audio events and visual objects in audio-visual scenes (AVS), while humans often identify different scenes through audio events and visual objects within and the congruence between them. To exploit the fine-grained information of audio events and visual objects in AVS, and coordinate the implicit relationship between audio events and visual objects, this paper proposes a multibranch model equipped with contrastive event-object alignment (CEOA) and semantic-based fusion (SF) for AVSC. CEOA aims to align the learned embeddings of audio events and visual objects by comparing the difference between audio-visual event-object pairs. Then, visual objects associated with certain audio events and vice versa are accentuated by cross-attention and undergo SF for semantic-level fusion. Experiments show that: 1) the proposed AVSC model equipped with CEOA and SF outperforms the results of audio-only and visual-only models, i.e., the audio-visual results are better than the results from a single modality. 2) CEOA aligns the embeddings of audio events and related visual objects on a fine-grained level, and the SF effectively integrates both; 3) Compared with other large-scale integrated systems, the proposed model shows competitive performance, even without using additional datasets and data augmentation tricks.


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