Audio representations for deep learning in sound synthesis: A review

by   Anastasia Natsiou, et al.

The rise of deep learning algorithms has led many researchers to withdraw from using classic signal processing methods for sound generation. Deep learning models have achieved expressive voice synthesis, realistic sound textures, and musical notes from virtual instruments. However, the most suitable deep learning architecture is still under investigation. The choice of architecture is tightly coupled to the audio representations. A sound's original waveform can be too dense and rich for deep learning models to deal with efficiently - and complexity increases training time and computational cost. Also, it does not represent sound in the manner in which it is perceived. Therefore, in many cases, the raw audio has been transformed into a compressed and more meaningful form using upsampling, feature-extraction, or even by adopting a higher level illustration of the waveform. Furthermore, conditional on the form chosen, additional conditioning representations, different model architectures, and numerous metrics for evaluating the reconstructed sound have been investigated. This paper provides an overview of audio representations applied to sound synthesis using deep learning. Additionally, it presents the most significant methods for developing and evaluating a sound synthesis architecture using deep learning models, always depending on the audio representation.


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