Attention-Driven Lightweight Model for Pigmented Skin Lesion Detection

by   Mingzhe Hu, et al.

This study presents a lightweight pipeline for skin lesion detection, addressing the challenges posed by imbalanced class distribution and subtle or atypical appearances of some lesions. The pipeline is built around a lightweight model that leverages ghosted features and the DFC attention mechanism to reduce computational complexity while maintaining high performance. The model was trained on the HAM10000 dataset, which includes various types of skin lesions. To address the class imbalance in the dataset, the synthetic minority over-sampling technique and various image augmentation techniques were used. The model also incorporates a knowledge-based loss weighting technique, which assigns different weights to the loss function at the class level and the instance level, helping the model focus on minority classes and challenging samples. This technique involves assigning different weights to the loss function on two levels - the class level and the instance level. By applying appropriate loss weights, the model pays more attention to the minority classes and challenging samples, thus improving its ability to correctly detect and classify different skin lesions. The model achieved an accuracy of 92.4 with particularly strong performance in identifying Benign Keratosis-like lesions (BKL) and Nevus (NV). Despite its superior performance, the model's computational cost is considerably lower than some models with less accuracy, making it an optimal solution for real-world applications where both accuracy and efficiency are essential.


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