Attacking the DeFi Ecosystem with Flash Loans for Fun and Profit
Credit allows a lender to loan out surplus capital to a borrower. In the traditional economy, credit bears the risk that the borrower may default on its debt, the lender hence requires an upfront collateral from the borrower, plus interest fee payments. Due to the atomicity of blockchain transactions, lenders can offer flash loans, i.e. loans that are only valid within one transaction and must be repaid by the end of that transaction. This concept has lead to a number of interesting attack possibilities, some of which have been exploited recently (February 2020). This paper is the first to explore the implication of flash loans for the nascent decentralized finance (DeFi) ecosystem. We analyze two existing attacks vectors with significant ROIs (beyond 500k finding flash loan-based attack parameters as an optimization problem over the state of the underlying Ethereum blockchain as well as the state of the DeFi ecosystem. Specifically, we show how two previously executed attacks can be “boosted” to result in a profit of 829.5k USD and 1.1M USD, respectively, which is a boost of 2.37x and 1.73x, respectively.