Assessment of Customer Credit through Combined Clustering of Artificial Neural Networks, Genetics Algorithm and Bayesian Probabilities

by   Reza Mortezapour, et al.

Today, with respect to the increasing growth of demand to get credit from the customers of banks and finance and credit institutions, using an effective and efficient method to decrease the risk of non-repayment of credit given is very necessary. Assessment of customers' credit is one of the most important and the most essential duties of banks and institutions, and if an error occurs in this field, it would leads to the great losses for banks and institutions. Thus, using the predicting computer systems has been significantly progressed in recent decades. The data that are provided to the credit institutions' managers help them to make a straight decision for giving the credit or not-giving it. In this paper, we will assess the customer credit through a combined classification using artificial neural networks, genetics algorithm and Bayesian probabilities simultaneously, and the results obtained from three methods mentioned above would be used to achieve an appropriate and final result. We use the K_folds cross validation test in order to assess the method and finally, we compare the proposed method with the methods such as Clustering-Launched Classification (CLC), Support Vector Machine (SVM) as well as GA+SVM where the genetics algorithm has been used to improve them.


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