Assessing, visualizing and improving the utility of synthetic data

by   Gillian M. Raab, et al.

The synthpop package for R provides tools to allow data custodians to create synthetic versions of confidential microdata that can be distributed with fewer restrictions than the original. The synthesis can be customized to ensure that relationships evident in the real data are reproduced in the synthetic data. A number of measures have been proposed to assess this aspect, commonly known as the utility of the synthetic data. We show that all these measures, including those calculated from tabulations, can be derived from a propensity score model. The measures will be reviewed and compared, and relations between them illustrated. All the measures compared are highly correlated and some are shown to be identical. The method used to define the propensity score model is more important than the choice of measure. These measures and methods are incorporated into utility modules in the synthpop package that include methods to visualize the results and thus provide immediate feedback to allow the person creating the synthetic data to improve its quality. The utility functions were originally designed to be used for synthetic data objects of class synds, created by the synthpop function syn() or syn.strata(), but they can now be used to compare one or more synthesised data sets with the original records, where the records are R data frames or lists of data frames.


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