Assessing Trust in Construction AI-Powered Collaborative Robots using Structural Equation Modeling

by   Newsha Emaminejad, et al.

This study aimed to investigate the key technical and psychological factors that impact the architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) professionals' trust in collaborative robots (cobots) powered by artificial intelligence (AI). The study employed a nationwide survey of 600 AEC industry practitioners to gather in-depth responses and valuable insights into the future opportunities for promoting the adoption, cultivation, and training of a skilled workforce to leverage this technology effectively. A Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) analysis revealed that safety and reliability are significant factors for the adoption of AI-powered cobots in construction. Fear of being replaced resulting from the use of cobots can have a substantial effect on the mental health of the affected workers. A lower error rate in jobs involving cobots, safety measurements, and security of data collected by cobots from jobsites significantly impact reliability, while the transparency of cobots' inner workings can benefit accuracy, robustness, security, privacy, and communication, and results in higher levels of automation, all of which demonstrated as contributors to trust. The study's findings provide critical insights into the perceptions and experiences of AEC professionals towards adoption of cobots in construction and help project teams determine the adoption approach that aligns with the company's goals workers' welfare.


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